Wax on Wax off

I’ve been working hard recently learning to screen print on clothing. I have a one colour press and it involves some problem solving. Especially when a weld gave way and it nearly broke...anyway. 

There’s the theory that if you spend 10,000 hours doing something you’ll become an expert. That theory seems to have been partially debunked BUT practice really does work. I should take that onto my skateboard (going through a massive slump there). The more you do something the better you’ll get. Now there will be a ceiling limit for most of us across most things but perhaps you can find the thing that allows you to burst that ceiling.

I’ve also been listening to podcasts such as Creative Rebels. In an episode I listened to they spoke about patience. I sometimes get the anxiety that i want to do more. More clothing. More decks. More designs. Approach shops to stock stuff. Open my own shop. More team riders. That anxiety is just my patience being tested. Been a slow month sale wise? Quick - print something new.! And that just doesn’t work! Why? Because I’ve done it for the wrong reasons. It’s been motivated by anxiety and a desire to get to the end goal (for that day/week/month) artificially. 

But overall I am patient - nothing of what I do comes naturally, and that’s ok. I like the process of learning things that I am interested in. The satisfaction of getting it right is worth it! And going back to podcasts and listening to other people’s experiences - it’s gratifying to hear the advice given mirror your own experiences.

And so with screen printing. Starting out I had ideas that I would one day screen print my own clothing too. For reasons of confidence (or lack of) I’ve never got around to it. The process of screen printing on decks has consumed me - it may not be rocket science but to me it’s been a challenge. So why complicate things and start printing on clothing?

Well once I got myself in the right head space (much like skateboarding again!) I soon realised that it wasn’t that scary. I had learned the skills to do it. Kind of like Daniel in the Karate Kid 😂I just had to wax on and wax off and away I went! 

So practice for 10, 000 hours to make you an expert? Who knows? But it’ll definitely make you better than you were! I know I feel it.! Here’s hoping I get my head in the right place and put the squeegee down for a minute and pick up the skateboard and get that feeling of learning again. 

Final words on patience. I see a lot of frustration and talk on social media about where everyone wants to be (business, careers etc) but what are we actually doing about it. Talking about it isn’t the same.

Goals. Targets. Projects. Getting out of your comfort zone. I’m trying them. Patience isn’t just a waiting game - it’s got to be pro-active too. Wishing something to happen won’t make it happen - don’t blame Facebook and Insta algorithms. Try harder. Regroup. Rethink. 

None of this is meant to be advice for anyone other than myself. Kind of like an open diary. Maybe it’ll resonate, maybe you’ll think I’m a narcissist. Maybe a bit of both? 

Anyways - don’t let the doubters get you down and that includes your own doubt.