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Podcasts and Stuff

This month saw us release our latest collaboration, this one with Glasgow Podcast Board to Death and design by Jonny Paterson.

Podcasts have been important to me for a very long time. I enjoy the company and the variety.

Over the years i’ve been lucky enough to be asked on to a number of podcasts and even hosted whilst one was on a break (thanks again Ica!). I’m also due to be involved with another podcast very soon - more on that later! Dream come true stuff for me. And so when Jonathon of BTD podcast asked about doing something I was more than happy to get involved.!

Board to Death has covered many a subject and is well marshalled by Jonathon with a structure that keeps it on track - the world doesn’t need more 4 hour long rambling podcasts ! Addition, gatekeeping, mental health - all subjects that make for good listening and hopefully good learning.

It’s not easy keeping something creative going. The return on your investment of time and money isn’t always tangible. Not everyone will like it - some will go out of their way to let you know. But mostly people will be supportive and it’ll provide something positive to someone including yourself. It’s certainly done that for me with Doric Skateboards. So massive well done to all those out there doing their thing - and especially to Jonathan for trusting me with this. Stoked.

I’ll be making an appearance on Board to Death this Summer where hopefully I won’t make a tit of myself. I tend to talk and talk nervously when I get going in most situations which can lead to me saying silly things and lots of self deprecating stuff.! Canna help it.

If you want to help keep their podcast going you could purchase one of the hoodys or tees in the collection - it’ll go a long way!

Linked here.

Thanks for reading and thanks for the support.