
Illusion of Success

Last month I posted up something on social media about not making a sale in 8 days – turned out to be 10 actually. It got some press coverage but the headline may have been misleading for some.

The point I was making wasn’t around feeling sorry myself or concern that I wouldn’t make another sale – I was more trying to redress the balance. The perception people might have is that of success and making loads of money. The truth is of course very different – not just for me but for many.

For all that social media has given us in terms of opportunity to get ourselves seen, it has also allowed us to see others. And compare and contrast.

I see a lot of small/micro business’s online who definitely only talk success. No challenges, no bad days. To me they are missing out on connecting with people. In an effort to finely polish our “brands” you can see these business’s becoming tiny little corporate looking entities. They rarely if ever share any personal information, they follow no-one, engage with no-one, share nothing of anyone else’s. But it seems to work for some. Maybe they’ve found their people that way.

However, I think the key differentiator for most micro/small business’s is the person behind it. Their values, their personality, integrity, character. If we only talk success, avoid sharing our hopes, fears and failures then I think we are only one step from a hyperbolic Apprentice contestant who thinks you can manifest success out of thin air. Or maybe bending the truth about how popular your creations are – hoping that you will attract people who get caught up in hype and FOMO.

What’s more important to you? The perception of “winning” or the truth? Maybe somewhere in the middle?

Social Media seems to be losing the “social” and becoming more “selling”. I’m guilty of it too but I am trying my best to resist that and be more “social”.

Most of us don’t like the hard sale in a shop environment. Why would we like it on our phones? Its all becoming like a billboard. A paid billboard for that matter.

Perhaps the next phase of Social Media will be rougher around the edges. Look at Tik Tok. Huge numbers and certainly to begin with the content was less than polished. But the paid adverts have started there too and then the anxiety for small business’s start.

Should I get a slick video promo made?

Do I need to do professional photos?

Should I “fake it till I make it”?

I’ve done them all but also try to keep things grounded. Its not the same for everyone but it works for me. I see success as feeling happy with what I am doing and how I am doing it. The outcome from that could result in financial success – if that’s your starting point then maybe the illusion of success will get you there quicker. But the journey won’t be as much fun. Success should be defined by you and not anyone else’s metrics.

And for all the worry I had about not having a sale things turned around pretty quickly.

June has without doubt been the best month for Doric Skateboards for a variety of reasons. None of them sales related - we’ve had better months for sure.

Here are some highlights:

  • LinkedIn Live with Yekemi Otaru chatting all things Marketing, Creativity, Social Media -watch it on YouTube here;

  • Newspaper articles about my approach to having a bad week in terms of sales;

  • Newspaper articles about my involvement with Curated Aberdeen;

  • Social Media coverage for all of the above;

  • Asked to talk to young folks for a second time for The Prince’s Trust;

  • Launched one collaboration – planned two more;

  • Attended Curated Aberdeen and had a great time;

  • A few shops enquiring about stocking Doric;

  • And had a meeting about something that will possibly be the biggest achievement of my life. If it comes off - I can’t wait to share it.

All of this feels like the culmination of the last 4 years – momentum. Like the penny arcades – each coin is your effort and with enough and some strategy you will eventually knock that wee pile off the end. Maybe you’d rather be a high roller throwing all your money on the tables - that might just work. But you probably won’t find me there. : )


Happy Birthday To Us. 4 Years Old.

Normally this blog post would be a summary of the free skate and cake session at Transition that we’ve done in the first 2 years. But obviously that’s not been able to happen - so we’ll plan one for later in the year or maybe just wait until our 5th Birthday and go all out!

So instead I just wanted to say a huge thanks to all that have supported me over the years.

To coincide with this we worked with local creative Katy Shewan on a product photoshoot. This also landed at a time when we were launching some new colours to the Plenty of PoP range.!

I’ve written about photoshoots previously. You can read it here. In that post i was exploring what a photo shoot means to me, to Doric and very broadly how different approaches are perceived.

Katy’s approach worked great for me - we chatted about what I liked and what I didn’t, looked at a mood board, talked about models and then I just left them to it.!

A few days later i had photographs for everything i currently have and one or two others for later. ; )

I think my hesitance to do something like this is just my pure self consciousness - I don’t want people to think i am taking myself seriously, getting beyond my station, etc. What I have discovered about myself is that whilst i don’t take myself seriously - I take what I do very seriously.

So I wrestle with the prospect of treating Doric Skateboards like a legitimate business. But I shouldn’t worry - its ok to take this seriously and want it to be a success. It really doesn’t make me some capitalistic twat. This was never set up as some kind of altruistic endeavour. I think in the early days I was almost apologetic about what I was doing. Embarrassed. But now I feel more legit. And that’s got nothing to do with popularity, takings, profit, exterior validation. Its just something in me.

4+ years ago we wrote a mission statement. Some of it has changed over the years but one bit has remained:

create a skateboard brand that we can be proud of.”

This used to say the North East. But it really starts with me. If anyone else wants to be part of that “we” then that’s absolutely amazing! : )

And so photoshoots like this one help give me a wee sense of pride and make sure I keep on track with the hows and whys of starting this in the first place.

Happy Birthday to Us. : )

Part 14 - PLANS

Full steam ahead for Doric Skateboards in the coming months. Thought it was worth putting it all here:

Saturday 9th June Engage Gaming

I was put in touch with Andrew and Richard at Engage via my brother just on the off chance that a couple of new local companies could do something together. Its taken me nearly a year to pull my finger out but one day i just thought gaming + skateboards = Tony Hawk. So a wee back and forth and we have this event  - Tony Hawk on the PS2 competition being broadcast on the big screens to anyone that wants to watch or take part. I screen printed a deck for the winner with the Engage Gaming and Doric Skateboards logo on it. This kicks off at 6:30pm for registering and then 7pm the games begin - pop along to watch and have a chat and a beer! : )

Friday 14th - Sunday 17th June - Etsy Summer Showcase

Etsy Summer Showcase as part of the Look Again Festival - St Nicholas Centre

Buzzed to be doing this. We will be there fully stocked - including a few new colours of tees and caps exclusive to this! 

There will be a load of cracking sellers there too including Honk and Small Stories! Come along and support small and or local folks trying to get there stuff out there. These events are pretty critical for me - its a great chance to meet folk that have bought stuff from us. Nothing better than that!


As previously mentioned on FB. IG etc we are collaborating with local loon Chris Bissett aka Jetpack Dinosaur! Really excited for this - I've been a fan of his work for years without actually knowing who he was. Once i put 2 + 2 together i sent him a wee message and now we are good to go! As soon as the design is finalised we will crack on with screen printing the decks and getting some tee's done. Exciting stuff! 

Couple of things bubbling for me and Justin aka Honk. Tees for one image and decks/tees for something else! We'll get around to this soon..! 

Also  in the midst of testing out a design from an artist. If they are happy with how it looks then that will be good to go too - most folk in Aberdeen will recognise this one and it's firmly in the Doric Skateboards wheelhouse too.

We also have one design with a difference that is a colab with a couple of local skaters - keep yer eyes peeled for this. This is going to be a big one- August 3rd is the locked down launch for that....

Speaking of this date - we have this event planned for August 3rd and 4th. More details to follow very soon! 


Found a supplier to do Doric Skateboard wheels. These will be happening this year for sure.

Banners! !

You'll start to see our presence in a few different places around town very soon. Keep yer eyes peeled - i'll be posting pics this month to show them off.

Other Stuff

Its been a busy 4-6 weeks. We've added new graphics for decks - skyline and 4 bottles - new hoodies, new long sleeve tees, tote bags, caps, enamel badges and loads more stuff on the way! 

Also nice to see a couple of parks in Aberdeen revamped (reramped?). Torry looks good but haven't had a chance to skate it yet. Did go out to Cults and it was fun! Really well made and ample room and scope to expand. Work looks like its cracking on at Westburn - repairs look like they've taken a hit already though - lets hope the local committee that steered it all is on top of it and the new part is built correctly. My degree was Construction Design and i had a particular passion at one point for concrete, so its always interesting (for me anyway) to see the process. 

That's about all for this post people, thanks for reading this far! Pics below to go with word!

Thanks to everyone who's been a support in any way - appreciate it massively.! 

Part 9a - Aberdeen and the Art Community

So for anyone following or just glancing over the previous blog posts you'll see that its chronicled the journey and will soon be up to date! 

But for now i thought it was worth doing a wee post to add to the discussion on Art in the city. So here goes.

As some of you might know i attended an event the other night called Art Hive - this is a forum for creatives of all levels to exchange ideas, inspire each other and provide support. I did a wee presentation on Doric Skateboards focusing on how it came to be and what i felt my place was in the creative world. Its great to be involved and see the discussions happening in our City. One question that was asked was:

Is Art the New Oil? 

Its not a question with an easy answer and its a question that goes off on tangents. The last few years in Aberdeen have been well documented in terms of the negative impact the Oil/Gas Industry has had but alongside that decline we've seen a real surge in the arts and culture of the city.

As expressed by Rachael Cloughton in this article (

"In 2013 Aberdeen failed in its bid to become UK City of Culture 2017. The judges told the council their plans lacked 'a coherent vision' or a 'wow factor'. It was, according to council leaders, a 'wake up call'."

And wake up it did. Now some of these things may already have been on the agenda and some weren't but its been the cumulative effect of these things that has invigorated our city:

  • Look Again - celebrating the best in visual art and design.
  • NuArt - spectacular and returning next year and beyond. I've never seen such diverse crowds walking around Aberdeens streets. 
  • Spectra -  stunning event and returning in 2018 to celebrate young people.
  • The Anatomy Rooms - a beautiful venue that provides a creative hub.
  • Seventeen - another creative hub that hosts Make and events such at Art Hive.
  • Creative Learning - ACC team coordinates classes and events all over the city with accessible and varied topics.
  • Painted Doors - a fantastic project that saw doors in Aberdeen painted by selected artists to bring some life to the streets.
  • Revamp of the Art Gallery - looking forward to this. Bit by bit we can see the revamp.
  • Revamp of the Music Hall - like the one below, may have caused concern amongst some but this should be great for the city.
  • Marishcall Square development - now this one has caused a stir. But at this point we have no choice but to go with it and see how it pans out. Better than we had before? I think it will be. As good as we wanted it to be? Perhaps not.
  • Union Terrace Gardens development - hopefully this should be the happy medium that will keep people happy and provide a space for all.
  • Aberdeen Football Club - i'm adding this to the list as the general feel good of the teams efforts has infiltrated the city again and even inspired a fantastic art project that saw AFC players past and present replicated on the streets of Aberdeen.

Now this is just the ones i could think of off the top of my head. There are more, loads more. Aberdeen has success stories that don't revolve around Oil and Gas. The more thats celebrated and discussed the more the people of the city will feel empowered to take part and chase dreams. 

So is Art the new Oil? 

Its certainly more sustainable.

But the more relevant question could be:

Can Art be the new anything in Aberdeen. I think the answers obvious.