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Part 14 - PLANS

Full steam ahead for Doric Skateboards in the coming months. Thought it was worth putting it all here:

Saturday 9th June Engage Gaming

I was put in touch with Andrew and Richard at Engage via my brother just on the off chance that a couple of new local companies could do something together. Its taken me nearly a year to pull my finger out but one day i just thought gaming + skateboards = Tony Hawk. So a wee back and forth and we have this event  - Tony Hawk on the PS2 competition being broadcast on the big screens to anyone that wants to watch or take part. I screen printed a deck for the winner with the Engage Gaming and Doric Skateboards logo on it. This kicks off at 6:30pm for registering and then 7pm the games begin - pop along to watch and have a chat and a beer! : )

Friday 14th - Sunday 17th June - Etsy Summer Showcase

Etsy Summer Showcase as part of the Look Again Festival - St Nicholas Centre

Buzzed to be doing this. We will be there fully stocked - including a few new colours of tees and caps exclusive to this! 

There will be a load of cracking sellers there too including Honk and Small Stories! Come along and support small and or local folks trying to get there stuff out there. These events are pretty critical for me - its a great chance to meet folk that have bought stuff from us. Nothing better than that!


As previously mentioned on FB. IG etc we are collaborating with local loon Chris Bissett aka Jetpack Dinosaur! Really excited for this - I've been a fan of his work for years without actually knowing who he was. Once i put 2 + 2 together i sent him a wee message and now we are good to go! As soon as the design is finalised we will crack on with screen printing the decks and getting some tee's done. Exciting stuff! 

Couple of things bubbling for me and Justin aka Honk. Tees for one image and decks/tees for something else! We'll get around to this soon..! 

Also  in the midst of testing out a design from an artist. If they are happy with how it looks then that will be good to go too - most folk in Aberdeen will recognise this one and it's firmly in the Doric Skateboards wheelhouse too.

We also have one design with a difference that is a colab with a couple of local skaters - keep yer eyes peeled for this. This is going to be a big one- August 3rd is the locked down launch for that....

Speaking of this date - we have this event planned for August 3rd and 4th. More details to follow very soon! 


Found a supplier to do Doric Skateboard wheels. These will be happening this year for sure.

Banners! !

You'll start to see our presence in a few different places around town very soon. Keep yer eyes peeled - i'll be posting pics this month to show them off.

Other Stuff

Its been a busy 4-6 weeks. We've added new graphics for decks - skyline and 4 bottles - new hoodies, new long sleeve tees, tote bags, caps, enamel badges and loads more stuff on the way! 

Also nice to see a couple of parks in Aberdeen revamped (reramped?). Torry looks good but haven't had a chance to skate it yet. Did go out to Cults and it was fun! Really well made and ample room and scope to expand. Work looks like its cracking on at Westburn - repairs look like they've taken a hit already though - lets hope the local committee that steered it all is on top of it and the new part is built correctly. My degree was Construction Design and i had a particular passion at one point for concrete, so its always interesting (for me anyway) to see the process. 

That's about all for this post people, thanks for reading this far! Pics below to go with word!

Thanks to everyone who's been a support in any way - appreciate it massively.!